

Our Massage Therapist treat clients by using touch to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissue of the body. With this technique our Massage Therapists can relieve pain, help heal injuries, improve circulation, relive stress, increase relaxation, and aid the general wellness of our clients.

*Please Note we take 5 mins before and 5 mins after during the appointment time for the client/massage therapist to get ready

60 min massage is 50 minutes hands on and 90 min massage is 80 mins hands on

Deep Tissue Massage

30 Min / $60.00

 60 Min / $85.00

 90 Min / $115.00

Deep Tissue Massage is very similar to Swedish Massage. The main difference between the two is that deeper pressure is crucial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons, and fascia.

Therapeutic Massage

30 Min / $65.00

60 Min / $95.00

90 Min / $120.00

Therapeutic Massage is a general type of massage modality that helps relieve pain, reduce stress, and work of specific problems or locations in the body. Therapeutic Massage should not be confused with Deep Tissue Massage.

Hot Stone Massage

30 Min / $60.00

60 Min / $95.00

 90 Min / $120.00

Hot Stone Massage is a type of modality that will melt away tensions, ease muscle stiffness and increase circulation and metabolism. Hot Stones promote deeper muscle relaxation through the placement of smooth, water-heated stones at key points in the body.

Swedish Massage

30 Min / $60.00

 60 Min / $85.00

 90 Min / $115.00

Swedish Massage primary goal is to relax the entire body. This is accomplished by rubbing the muscles with long gliding strokes in the direction of blood returning to the heart. Swedish Massage is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility.

Pre-Natal Massage

30 Min / $65.00

60 Min / $95.00

90 Min / $120.00

Pre-Natal Massage is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness, this type of modality relieves many of the normal discomforts experienced during pregnancy such as backaches, stiff neck, leg cramps, headaches and edema (swelling).

Sports Massage

30 Min / $65.00

60 Min / $95.00

 90 Min / $120.00

Sport Massage is a form of bodywork geared toward participants in the athletics. It is used to help prevent injuries, to prepare the body for athletic activity and maintain it in optimal condition, and to help athletes recover from workouts and injuries.

Lymphatic Massage

30 Min / $80.00

           Package of 4 massages / $300

Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. The fluid in the lymphatic system helps remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues. Some health conditions can cause lymph fluid to build up.

Chair Massage

30 Min / $45.00

The chair massages are limited to the upper body, however the benefits are similar to full-body table versions and include stress reduction, enhanced circulation, increased physical flexibility, a more vibrant immune system, pain relief, deeper sleep, improved athletic performance, a brighter mood, and better chronic disease management.

Lymphatic Facial Massage

30 Min / $80

Package of 4 / $300

Touch the most relaxing point of the face with our best aromatherapy oils.

CBD Massage

60 Min / $110

90 Min / $140

A custom Massage with Hemp and Body relief gel combined Iso – Cannabinoide Hemp extract and a proprietary herbal formula that offers controlled cooling without frostbite or irritation, with exceptional glide for spot therapy. Help with acute muscle, joint pain, chronic aches and inflammation.